Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170041-170060 of all 180,530 gems.
170,0371,929techcult_view_toolGenerated HTML data for rails application
170,0371,929cutest-reporterextend cutest to allow summary report and some tweacks
170,0371,929offsite_payments_przelewy24This gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of Przel...
170,0371,929k2-demoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,0371,929rack-ebpfeBPF integration with rack application.
170,0371,929gistalLoad multiple gist sources by config
170,0371,929hsztan_palindromePalindrome detector for strings, integers, and arrays.
170,0481,928sekretCreate/Decode semetric encryption
170,0481,928pseudo_random_valueSimple gem to create pseudo-random values
170,0481,928helplyIntercom-like Helpdesk for Rails apps
170,0481,928json_response_matchersProvides two matchers (#have_json_content and #have_json_values) to make testing the co...
170,0481,928cooklang_rbA cooklang parser for Ruby
170,0481,928devise-not_pwnedDevise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...
170,0481,928rails_notifierRails tool for creating a common interface in event notifications.
170,0481,928omniauth-practicefusionLets you use Practice Fusion as a strategy for your omniauth login flows
170,0481,928postcode_localpostcode_gem is the best
170,0481,928this_day_in_historyScraper CLI that pulls a list of historical events from
170,0481,928trumptweetsGenerated tweets from Donal Trump to seed varchar fields of database tables
170,0481,928foodie_davidBasically my first trial with Gemfile and how to use it.
170,0481,928jsonschema-recorderWrite a longer description or delete this line.