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170181-170200 of all 182,419 gems.
170,1622,059ockhamOckham is a content-first minimalist Jekyll blog theme.
170,1622,059skizmA literate programming tool for C/C++
170,1622,059gemops"Ruby Gem For DevOps Related Stuff"
170,1842,058spotsManages spot instances
170,1842,058hola_cesarrA simple hello world gem
170,1842,058test_thisisjustasadtestTest gem.
170,1842,058cqrsA railway oriented programming pattern alongside command quert responsibility segregati...
170,1842,058wangtronCan literally only do one thing
170,1842,058tibaFull description here
170,1842,058mba_view_toolProvides generated HTML for Rails applications.
170,1842,058binripRipper of binary files
170,1842,058hrr_rb_syscall_lookupProviding system call number and name look-up functions using libaudit.
170,1842,058huginn_time_filter_agentHuginn agent that filters events based on their time information
170,1842,058check_dependenciesLong description of your gem
170,1842,058n-profile-sdkthis is testing
170,1842,058tunerA pure implementation of Decorator pattern
170,1842,058timeshitKicks ass and chews bubblegum
170,1842,058morph_codebreakerA game based on bull and cow rules.
170,1842,058karumi-documentationJekyll theme used in Karumi open source projects for documentation purposes.