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170121-170140 of all 180,702 gems.
170,1211,941aws_detect_sentimentProvided Client-object to detect the sentiment of provided word/words by Aws::Comprehen...
170,1211,941omniauth-freeagent-oauth2FreeAgent authentication strategy for OmniAuth
170,1211,941memo_for_binmake memos in ~/.Memo
170,1211,941everhour2togglEverhour2toggl exports [Everhour]('s time entries, converts them ...
170,1211,941popfolioSimple, minimal portfolio theme for Jekyll sites
170,1211,941landerVisually displays data structures to make solving coding challenges easier.
170,1211,941snickersnee_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
170,1211,941danger-spellingA Danger plugin for pyspelling.
170,1211,941kt_data_classThe Ruby porting of `data class` in Kotlin
170,1211,941mfrc522uidreadProvide uid in hexadecimal
170,1211,941pinyin_to_kanaTranslate Chinese pinyin to Japanese kana
170,1211,941wg_view_toolGem generates HTML data for use by Rails apps.
170,1211,941yg_for_me_test_gemputs time
170,1211,941command_kit-completionAdds a rake task that generates shell completion rules for a command_kit CLI. The rake ...
170,1211,941skill_builderEasily build your skill's interface in Ruby
170,1371,940fastlane-plugin-app47Fastlane plugin for uploading builds to App47
170,1371,940sekretCreate/Decode semetric encryption
170,1371,940active-dynamoAn ActiveRecord like ODM for AWS DynamoDB
170,1371,940onecmda iOS dev comand line tools