Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170141-170160 of all 180,702 gems.
170,1371,940active_record-connection_proxyProvides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord.
170,1371,940unico-trainingCommon resources for nobe projects like countries, states, cities, people, etc.
170,1371,940rustybarsRuby binding for handlebars-rust
170,1371,940yii_redis_storea custom redis store library that plug and play to consume Yii 2.0's session data with ...
170,1371,940rack-ebpfeBPF integration with rack application.
170,1371,940ikunWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,1371,940acnh_critterpediaACNH Critterpedia is a CLI application that allows searching for critters and their ava...
170,1371,940cutest-reporterextend cutest to allow summary report and some tweacks
170,1371,940bruhlbruhl provides an API to parse, generate, and manipulate the data files used by video g...
170,1501,939pseudo_random_valueSimple gem to create pseudo-random values
170,1501,939devise-not_pwnedDevise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...
170,1501,939ieee-students-branch-jekyll-themeThis is jekyll theme template designed for IEEE Students Branch website hosted by insti...
170,1501,939offsite_payments_przelewy24This gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of Przel...
170,1501,939primeryAn imporved version of Primer Jekyll theme
170,1501,939json_response_matchersProvides two matchers (#have_json_content and #have_json_values) to make testing the co...
170,1501,939rverrHint website owners of vulnerabilities
170,1501,939sitemap_boilerGenerate multiple languages sitemap from one config file
170,1501,939omniauth-practicefusionLets you use Practice Fusion as a strategy for your omniauth login flows
170,1501,939train-digitaloceanThis plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean
170,1501,939techcult_view_toolGenerated HTML data for rails application