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170101-170120 of all 180,689 gems.
170,0981,941place-rubyA simple library to interface with the Place REST API. See https://developer.placepay.c...
170,0981,941pry-less-sourceless-source command use less for Pry as pager. This is only for Unix-like OS.
170,0981,941mtb_project_apiA wrapper gem for the public MTB Project API
170,0981,941ffi-heroku-18Ruby FFI library
170,0981,941embulk-input-pubsubSelects records from Cloud Pub/Sub.
170,0981,941xfetchOptimal Probabilistic Cache Stampede Prevention for Ruby using Redis.
170,0981,941freq_statsTakes an array and gets the frequency of items in the array.
170,0981,941mindfuldocExperimental gem to make it convenient to edit a mindmap_mfm document from a web page.
170,0981,941peelThought experiment with ORM design, inspired by Gregory Brown's Broken Record project
170,1101,940omniauth-freeagent-oauth2FreeAgent authentication strategy for OmniAuth
170,1101,940memo_for_binmake memos in ~/.Memo
170,1101,940everhour2togglEverhour2toggl exports [Everhour]('s time entries, converts them ...
170,1101,940popfolioSimple, minimal portfolio theme for Jekyll sites
170,1101,940aubiRuby Generic Template Builder
170,1101,940landerVisually displays data structures to make solving coding challenges easier.
170,1101,940kt_data_classThe Ruby porting of `data class` in Kotlin
170,1101,940mfrc522uidreadProvide uid in hexadecimal
170,1101,940pinyin_to_kanaTranslate Chinese pinyin to Japanese kana
170,1101,940sprockets-manifestjs_envAllow to switch Sprocket manifest.js per environment.