Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
172941-172960 of all 180,488 gems.
172,9371,602wry_injectDependency Injection that allows you to generate pre-configured classes
172,9371,602jekyll_theme_1017For my personal use
172,9371,602partosThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,9371,602assemblyaiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,9371,602z4appThe z4 micro-web-app framework.
172,9371,602sandslateA customizable light-weight minimal theme for Jekyll sites
172,9371,602simple_assetsDead simple HTML-based assets helper for Ruby. The main idea here is to promote re-usab...
172,9481,601gemstonesA collection of Ruby code examples
172,9481,601torch-somSelf-Organized Map implementation using torch-rb
172,9481,601hola_sizelA simple hello world gem
172,9481,601SenSpaceThe eventual aim of SenSpace is to standardize auto scripting for functions to make it ...
172,9481,601rubocop_config_updaterUpdate obsolete rubocop configuration.
172,9481,601anaf-web_servicesRuby Client library for ANAF API
172,9481,601rbmnistNo network calls, manipulate MNIST data easily. Divided up into train and test, and abl...
172,9481,601pipehatA library for reading and writing HL7 v2 messages.
172,9481,601interactive_recordFeature-rich browser-based UI for any ActiveRecord-supported database.
172,9481,601lucid-shopify-sessionShopify client library session token helpers for embedded apps
172,9481,601matteryMatter is a great assistant for develop your web app, mac app and win app
172,9591,600ocean_wechat_robotwechat webhook robot
172,9591,600mekari_midtrans_apiRuby Wrapper for Midtrans Payment API.