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Most downloads over all time
172981-173000 of all 180,681 gems.
172,9801,624compact_enc_detRuby bindings for Google's Compact Encoding Detection C++ library
172,9801,624octograbMatch the HTTP responses from an input list and a given path against a specific string.
172,9801,624cli_questionstool for asking questions using the terminal
172,9801,624omniauth-google-id-tokenAn OmniAuth strategy to validate Google id tokens.
172,9801,624github_commitGem for GitHub commits as a Concourse Resource Type
172,9801,624sushi_yakuzasushi_yakuza is a gem that converts sushi names from hiragana to kanji and kanji to hir...
172,9801,624monzo2qifSuper-hacky and quickly thrown together Monzo to QIF exporter
172,9801,624rubocop-git2RuboCop for git diff.
172,9801,624find_shared_linesFind lines that are commonly included in given files.
172,9801,624client_rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
172,9911,623gem_sample_multi_fileWrite a longer description or delete this line.
172,9911,623cvelistA Ruby library for parsing the CVE JSON in the cvelist git repository.
172,9911,623ractor-channelAdd channels to Ractor.
172,9911,623opensource-themeNIST Themed Jekyll Template and Gem
172,9911,623mediateSimple mediator implementation
172,9911,623reline-putsadds Reline.puts which prints a string above the active prompt without corrupting it
172,9911,623magic_wordsavoid those messy string literals
172,9911,623stealth-alexaAlexa driver for Stealth.
172,9991,622ladder-gemCall ladder everywhere (even bundled gems) and feel like it's GOTO-2019
172,9991,622rollout-redisFast and easy feature flags based on the latest Redis versions.