Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
173021-173040 of all 180,629 gems.
173,0161,612store-digest-httpHTTP front-end to Store::Digest
173,0161,612parentvueProvides a web scraping library to interact with the ParentVUE website
173,0161,612hasharay_extUseful method to fetch data from complex hashes and arrays
173,0161,612sandslateA customizable light-weight minimal theme for Jekyll sites
173,0161,612travis-clOptionParser based CLI support for rapid CLI development in an object-oriented context....
173,0261,611ruby-shRubsh (a.k.a. ruby-sh) - Inspired by python-sh, allows you to call any program as if it...
173,0261,611random_colorThis is a one to one copy of the above library
173,0261,611caffeinate_webuiCreate, manage, and send scheduled email sequences and drip campaigns from your Rails app.
173,0261,611rice_bubbleSimple serialization for Ruby objects. Part of your complete breakfast.
173,0261,611pipehatA library for reading and writing HL7 v2 messages.
173,0261,611turborexThis gem is mainly a proof of concept for the topic "Automated Hunting for Cross-Server...
173,0261,611samplesManage and run Ruby code sample snippets [init]
173,0331,610ocean_wechat_robotwechat webhook robot
173,0331,610mekari_midtrans_apiRuby Wrapper for Midtrans Payment API.
173,0331,610aga-messageMessage Ruby is a lightweight gem for build message & send via Telegram.
173,0331,610lapostaRuby client for Laposta API
173,0331,610vtiger-rubyVtiger API Library for Ruby applications
173,0331,610hola_sizelA simple hello world gem
173,0331,610kacademicAcademic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
173,0331,610melt_baselineA Ruby gem used for High-Resolution Melting (HRM) background signal removal using a bas...