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173001-173020 of all 180,689 gems.
173,0001,624ractor-channelAdd channels to Ractor.
173,0001,624opensource-themeNIST Themed Jekyll Template and Gem
173,0001,624sushi_yakuzasushi_yakuza is a gem that converts sushi names from hiragana to kanji and kanji to hir...
173,0001,624magic_wordsavoid those messy string literals
173,0001,624pifanPifan is a daemon adjusting your fan's strength based on your Raspberry Pi's temperature.
173,0071,623ib-orientdbPart of IB-Ruby. Methods do store data from the TWS in a OrientDB-Database.
173,0071,623ladder-gemCall ladder everywhere (even bundled gems) and feel like it's GOTO-2019
173,0071,623jekyll-boldFormat specified keywords bold
173,0071,623jxpodWrite a longer description or delete this line.
173,0071,623jofh22Jobs Online form helper 2022 (Experimental)
173,0071,623change_ordersHolds objects that describe requested changes to a data source
173,0071,623stealth-alexaAlexa driver for Stealth.
173,0141,622pushr-wnsWNS support for the modular push daemon.
173,0141,622lucas_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
173,0141,622ruby_graphA simple graph-library for ruby
173,0141,622grpc-restGenerate Rails controllers and routes from gRPC definitions.
173,0141,622whirlpoolWhirlpool is a hash designed after the Square block cipher, and is considered to be in ...
173,0141,622heventmachine_httpserverEventMachine HTTP Server
173,0141,622work_crewClasses to form a proper work crew