Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
174041-174060 of all 180,702 gems.
174,0391,448portrait-railsRails helpers and generators for portrait image gem
174,0391,448algorandA Ruby SDK for the Algorand API
174,0431,447heimdallr-vizVisual regression framework enabling ruby-selenium based projects to use their page obj...
174,0431,447ashibaUse Ashiba to generate directory hierarchies according to templates
174,0431,447pgsnapConstruct composable, structured, PostgreSQL queries in plain Ruby.
174,0431,447trokkoThe `trokko` command prepares the specified `Gemfile` template. It will prepare a `Dock...
174,0431,447workarea-image_decorationAdding a feature for user to select the product with different sizes(includes custom si...
174,0431,447password_utilUtility tool to generate password.
174,0491,446hws-payment_operations_demoDemo payments operation gem
174,0491,446catch-websocket-clientThis client sends a request and waits for a response, just like HTTP communication.
174,0511,445apollo-ruby🚀Ruby client for ctrip/apollo (
174,0511,445ibge-rubyWrapper do serviço do IBGE para Ruby.
174,0531,444usabilla-apiClaiming gem name for now to avoid any issues with internal hosting and developmenet fo...
174,0531,444data_pactVarious debugging tools for Ruby on Rails
174,0531,444bxBitmap Index
174,0531,444ruby-requestsA library for HTTP requests that aims to provide the same API as the Requests library i...
174,0571,443methodzLookup object methods by partial name match or type.
174,0571,443cocoapods-hllsourceA short description of cocoapods-hllsource.
174,0591,442sk_helloHello world!
174,0591,442lita-calculatorAdd a description