Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
174081-174100 of all 180,671 gems.
174,0771,431masked_ape_clubLet the apes out and free them from backgrounds. With the goal to bring them to context.
174,0771,431vinitaThis gem is forever.
174,0831,430ajax_error_renderIt is a Gem for creating and rendering the HTML of the error message when there is a va...
174,0831,430prometheus-collectorApplication to gather prometheus style metrics # Usage Install the gem into your gem...
174,0831,430unobtrusive_resourcesThis gem provides number of utility methods to cleanup codebase, related to controllers...
174,0831,430ccrypto-rubyRefers Ccrypto library for further info. This is the Ruby implementation of the core cr...
174,0831,430rbs_loading_optimizerOptimize RBS loading using cache
174,0881,429mockdziA mocking framework for unit tests written in Ruby
174,0881,429plttThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
174,0881,429solidus_zip_zonesCreate zone zip code based
174,0881,429ccipher_factoryThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
174,0881,429art_vandelayArt Vandelay is an importer/exporter for Rails
174,0881,429net-http-structured_field_valuesA Ruby implementation of RFC 8941 - Structured Field Values for HTTP
174,0881,429selfbootstrapUsing Chef cookbook style and force any script using it to switch to chef even if it is...
174,0951,428methodzLookup object methods by partial name match or type.
174,0951,428shatter-rbAn async first RPC web app server for Ruby
174,0951,428roda-scoutapmScoutApm instrumentation for Roda apps/routes
174,0951,428APIMATIC-Caculator-TestSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
174,0991,427loco_toolloco_tool is a command-line tool written in Ruby that helps parse, validate, and manipu...
174,0991,427activestorage-autobotsEnables ActiveStorage variants for other file types than images,such as audio or video ...