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174101-174120 of all 180,661 gems.
174,0991,421lab42_monadImplements only some simple monadic patterns right now, à la `IO.interact`
174,0991,421roda-scoutapmScoutApm instrumentation for Roda apps/routes
174,0991,421likenessPowerful string similarity determination using the Shingles method.
174,0991,421rbs_loading_optimizerOptimize RBS loading using cache
174,1061,420standard-fakerA Standard plugin that adds rubocop-faker specific rules to Standard.
174,1061,420ruby-remote-configthis is a simple gem that implements a remote config. It can accept different types of ...
174,1061,420factory_girl_1984Write a longer description or delete this line.
174,1091,419methodzLookup object methods by partial name match or type.
174,1101,418freshchat_whatsappThe Ruby gem support for Freshchat WhatsApp integration enables seamless communication ...
174,1101,418net-http-structured_field_valuesA Ruby implementation of RFC 8941 - Structured Field Values for HTTP
174,1101,418prime_numberPrime Number gem
174,1101,418omniauth-intuit-oauth2Intuit strategy for OmniAuth Oauth2.
174,1101,418tipaltiA Ruby toolkit for Tipalti Payments
174,1151,417capistrano-mysql_tablesEasily move tables between hosts in rails projects with Capistrano.
174,1151,417vmpooler-dns-gcpGoogle Cloud DNS for VMPooler
174,1151,417ronin_securityRonin Enforcement Module for Ruby
174,1181,416loco_toolloco_tool is a command-line tool written in Ruby that helps parse, validate, and manipu...
174,1181,416rails_interactDescription of RailsInteract.
174,1181,416rubymailruby mail framework