Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
174121-174140 of all 180,554 gems.
174,1191,395spree_product_sort_in_order_of_idsAdd (optional) extension description here
174,1191,395net-http-structured_field_valuesA Ruby implementation of RFC 8941 - Structured Field Values for HTTP
174,1191,395osbA simple framework for building osu! storyboard.
174,1191,395adjustable_schemaRails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being ha...
174,1251,394active_record-pg_reconnectAutomatic reconnection for Postgres
174,1251,394sidekiq_lifecycle_hooksAsynchronous lifecycle hooks for rails apps using sidekiq.
174,1251,394google-apis-dataportability_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Data Portability API V1beta. Simple REST clients are...
174,1251,394ruby-remote-configthis is a simple gem that implements a remote config. It can accept different types of ...
174,1251,394alexckrandomizerRandomizes stuff
174,1251,394apollo_commons_ruby_cliUsed in ruby functions
174,1251,394cameratag-ruby-api-clientSimple gem for use API CameraTag
174,1321,393strongmind-view-helpersRuby gem for sharing view helpers across projects
174,1321,393kakari_musubiGem for (Old) Japanese syntactic agreement called "kakari musubi"
174,1321,393plusbumpUse this gem to automate the automation of version bumping in git
174,1321,393huginn_twitch_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
174,1321,393bsvcA Bootstrap and ViewComponent library for Rails views.
174,1321,393trabalho_remotoUtilitários para calcular para trabalho remoto
174,1381,392law_docA set of classes for legal document elements such as Document, Case, Lawyer, Party, Cou...
174,1381,392huginn_mastodon_publish_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
174,1401,391openproject-join_projectThis plugin provides a mechanism to allow non-members to join a project.