Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
174181-174200 of all 180,459 gems.
174,1791,352calicliCalinda Sync Ops
174,1791,352benry-cmdappBenry-CmdApp is a framework to create command-line application like `git`, `docker`, or...
174,1791,352vuesfc2jsExtract script part from Vue SFC and convert to JavaScript.
174,1791,352kamal-skiffDeploy static sites using nginx + SSI with Kamal.
174,1851,351maven-requireA gem to add maven_require, a method to install and load maven coordinates into the cur...
174,1851,351multi_ioAn IO object that is the concatenation of other IO objects
174,1871,350ycchenhello! I am ycchen
174,1881,349google-apis-datalineage_v1This is the simple REST client for Data Lineage API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby cl...
174,1881,349jekyll-theme-onionMinimal Jekyll theme inspired by onion network.
174,1901,348google-cloud-storage_insightsProvides insights capability on Google Cloud Storage.
174,1901,348jimbodragon_rubygemsUsing Chef cookbook style and force any script using it to switch to chef even if it is...
174,1901,348speakeasy_ruby_sdkSpeakeasy is your API Platform team as a service. Use our drop in SDK to manage all you...
174,1901,348ruby_tracerA Ruby tracer
174,1901,348logfmt-tagged_loggerMake logfmt aware of ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging to write logfmt-styled log lines, wit...
174,1901,348auxiliary_rails_resourceableAuxiliaryRails - Resourceable Controller
174,1961,346nocionWrap notion api
174,1961,346protocallA simple framework for building functional classes in Ruby
174,1961,346combine_hashtagsFirst version limited to Instagram Basic Display permissions As s...
174,1961,346sidekiq-serialized_current_attributesSerialize CurrentAttributes for Sidekiq
174,1961,346minitest-extended_assertionsExtended assertions for Minitest