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174141-174160 of all 180,469 gems.
174,1381,365adjustable_schemaRails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being ha...
174,1381,365relax2A quick and dirty HTTP API client factory for Ruby
174,1431,364f_componentsLibrary of view_components
174,1431,364bag_kadaster_clientDit is de [BAG API]( Individuele Bevragingen van...
174,1451,363freshchat_whatsappThe Ruby gem support for Freshchat WhatsApp integration enables seamless communication ...
174,1451,363sudSud is a tool to help streamline and improve project management
174,1451,363omniauth-twinfieldAn OmniAuth strategy for Twinfield, bookkeeping package from Kluwers
174,1451,363bunny_net_cdnBunny CDN API
174,1451,363worker_killer-rufus_schedulerProcess killer for Rufus scheduler
174,1501,362ruby_on_asteroidsA gem with useful tools to expand Ruby language and make it more powerful.
174,1501,362make_idempotentCombine a non-idempotent request with an idempotent query to make an idempotent request.
174,1501,362yamahaLibrary for controlling Yamaha amplifiers via the serial port
174,1501,362string_palindromePalindrome gem
174,1501,362chronos_timecalculatorGem to calculate times between two dates based on working ours and days
174,1551,361affiliation_idTrack requests by affiliating them with an uniq id.
174,1551,361glimmer-dsl-wxGlimmer DSL for WX (wxWidgets Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library). This is a Glimmer ...
174,1551,361foodie-nestWe call our gem foodie because this gem is going to do a couple of things around food, ...
174,1551,361trix_embedTake control over what external links and embedded media is permitted in the Trix edito...
174,1551,361patternifyPatternify provides a DSL optimized for readability to describe Regexp patterns.
174,1551,361rb-fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logsCloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd with memory profiling