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174801-174820 of all 180,671 gems.
174,8011,221imghdrDetect image file formats based on their headers
174,8011,221omniauth-miroA Miro OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 2.0
174,8011,221fastlane-plugin-catappultuploaderUpload your application directly onto Catappult! (Check how to get your API Key in http...
174,8011,221solidus_melhor_envioGem para integração com a API do Melhor Envio
174,8061,220quicksort_cThis gem introduces a quicksort implementation in C. It also introduces a reference imp...
174,8061,220masongemfor mason
174,8081,219zanshinRuby SDK to access the Tenchi Security Zanshin API v1
174,8081,219asciidoctor-sailAsciidoctor extension for documenting Sail models
174,8081,219rails-fieldsrails-fields gem provides robust field type enforcement for ActiveRecord models in Ruby...
174,8111,218fedexvichugeThis is a test for fedexvichuge gem
174,8111,218counter_utilsA gem that provides a method to count the number of numbers or elements in a string or ...
174,8111,218lacciLacci - a portable Shoes DSL with switchable display backends, part of Scarpe
174,8141,217podsUnitA simple hello world gem
174,8141,217etherscan-liteetherscan-lite - light-weight machinery / helper for the Etherscan (blockchain) JSON HT...
174,8141,217lucidusA super minimal and lightweight jekyll theme.
174,8141,217nfse_gynGem para realizar a geração de NFSE em Goiânia
174,8181,216lunchmoneyLunchMoney API client library.
174,8181,216cases_of_wordsThis Ruby gem provides functionality to convert strings to different cases, such as cam...
174,8181,216AtmosfireA Ruby gem for interacting with atmosfire