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Most downloads over all time
174841-174860 of all 180,661 gems.
174,8411,204logstash-input-s3-cloudianThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
174,8411,204fluent-plugin-eventbridgeFluentd output plugin for AWS EventBridge
174,8411,204zalo-sdkWorking with Zalo OA APIs. This gem is under development. For detail timeline, please v...
174,8411,204cairnA thin wrapper to use Rails Migrations in non Rails projects
174,8451,203liteschedulerA lightning fast, super efficient and dead simple to setup and use unified interface fo...
174,8451,203phrase-ota-i18nPhrase OTA for Rails i18n
174,8471,202show-jobShows jobs fetched from different ruby job sites
174,8471,202lograge-action-mailerLograge for ActionMailer.
174,8471,202rabbit-slide-Piro-redmine-usage-at-support-business[Redmine Japan - Redmine Japan Vol.2 〜明日の仕事を変えるために必要なモノ〜](用の...
174,8471,202google-apis-vmwareengine_v1This is the simple REST client for VMware Engine API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby c...
174,8511,201date_converter_jaFormat the date in a nice way gem.
174,8511,201mike09_holaA simple hello world gem
174,8511,201alchemy-crop-imageWith this gem you can crop and resize images directly in Alchemy Library and create a n...
174,8511,201robotagrobotag analyzes a cucumber suite. It finds Scenarios and Scenario outlines with steps ...
174,8511,201auxiliumUtility classes that are to small to warrant a own gem for now.
174,8511,201ghammaGet workflow run durations for Github Actions
174,8571,200clicksGiven a json file, will get clicks records by following an specific criteria.
174,8571,200hola_sssWrite a longer description or delete this line.
174,8571,200google-cloud-secure_source_manager-v1Regionally deployed, single-tenant managed source code repository hosted on Google Clou...
174,8601,199slack_notifieeSlackNotifiee is a gem that allows you to access the notifications from slack-notifier ...