Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
174821-174840 of all 180,671 gems.
174,8211,215secuconnectSecuconnect api rails sdk
174,8211,215consistThe one person framework server scaffolder
174,8231,214ecojiEcoji is a data-to-emoji encoding scheme. This library provides the implementation of E...
174,8231,214easyllama-clientA Ruby gem for Easy Llama API client.
174,8231,214mismatch-inspectableA library that includes a module that can print mismatched values for any class that ...
174,8231,214protobuf_transpilerThis gem provides a quick way to generate annotated ruby stubs for protobufs leveraging...
174,8231,214google-apis-vmwareengine_v1This is the simple REST client for VMware Engine API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby c...
174,8281,213google-apis-dns_v2This is the simple REST client for Cloud DNS API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby clien...
174,8281,213phrase-ota-i18nPhrase OTA for Rails i18n
174,8301,212google-cloud-secure_source_manager-v1Regionally deployed, single-tenant managed source code repository hosted on Google Clou...
174,8301,212maxpageMax is a Ruby on Rails engine that provides a DLS to sniff and tell you if everything i...
174,8301,212csvbuilder-dynamic-columns-coreHelp handle CSVs in a more efficient way
174,8301,212rspec-http-fixturesCapistrano plugin for deploying and managing Nomad jobs
174,8341,211liteschedulerA lightning fast, super efficient and dead simple to setup and use unified interface fo...
174,8341,211fluent-plugin-eventbridgeFluentd output plugin for AWS EventBridge
174,8341,211ghammaGet workflow run durations for Github Actions
174,8341,211jekyll-theme-penumbraPenumbra is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
174,8381,210hata_no_emojiFind a country's flag emoji given its ISO 3166 alpha-2 code
174,8381,210currency_layer_apiCurrency Layer API is a light wrapper for API for Rubyists. It gives ...
174,8381,210robotagrobotag analyzes a cucumber suite. It finds Scenarios and Scenario outlines with steps ...