Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175001-175020 of all 180,459 gems.
175,0011,110hola_humesyA simple hello world gem
175,0011,110jekyll-theme-maximyurevichJekyll theme
175,0011, API Interface
175,0011,110strapi_rubyStrapiRuby is a Ruby gem designed to simplify interactions with the Strapi CMS API. I...
175,0011,110typhoonExpose your local development servers with the help of a typhoon (via cloudflared tunnels)
175,0011,110postgres_key_valuePerformant and simple key-value storage in Posgresql. With a Ha...
175,0071,109logstash-filter-another_java_filter_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
175,0071,109badword_trackerIt helps to track badwords and change the vowel to Asterisk *
175,0071,109fineryExplore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...
175,0101,108auth_railsSimple authentication for Rails
175,0101,108bundle_filterA filter for bundle that removes useless info when run bundle.
175,0121,107fiber-collectorSimple constructs to collect results from multiple concurrently scheduled tasks inspire...
175,0121,107tiny_etaa quick way to get a human-friendly ETA for a task
175,0121,107chalk_rubyA simple Ruby client for Chalk
175,0121,107sublayerA DSL and framework for building AI powered applications through the use of Generators,...
175,0121,107easyllama-clientA Ruby gem for Easy Llama API client.
175,0121,107moesif_aws_lambdaMoesif aws lambda middleware for Ruby to log API calls to Moesif API analytics and moni...
175,0181,105actionview_attribute_buildersUse Rails' attribute building capabilities to create custom form input elements
175,0181,105strongmind-view-helpersRuby gem for sharing view helpers across projects
175,0181,105pgtoolsThose are tha basic tools required to work on PlatinumGames files and mod them.