Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175021-175040 of all 180,459 gems.
175,0181,105px_github_changelog_generatorChangelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
175,0221,104kindtap-platform-rubyThis library currently supports generating a signed authorization header which is requi...
175,0221,104cohereOfficial SDK for Cohere AI
175,0241,102monopay-rubyThe "monopay-ruby" gem simplifies Monobank payment integration in Ruby and Rails applic...
175,0241,102iugu-docs-themeJekyll Standard Theme for Iugu Documentation
175,0241,102fluent-plugin-fortigate-logs-parserParser for Fortigate logs.
175,0241,102manymessageGiven a text file with a list of names, this CLI will find their phone numbers from you...
175,0281,101rolemodel_sowerA Ruby gem to simplify Seed data creation for Rails applications.
175,0281,101sunilContentstack Ruby client for the Content Delivery API
175,0281,101rack-dedosSomewhat more radical filters designed to decimate malicious requests during a denial-o...
175,0281,101activeadmin_decoratorDecorate Rails models in ActiveAdmin. With `ActiveAdmin::ArbreDecorator` you can keep y...
175,0321,100lalatestA simple hello world gem
175,0321,100redundancyRedundancy is a Ruby program that loads the .zsh_history, .bash_history, .irb_history f...
175,0341,099analytics-testSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
175,0341,099RuBoxesthis tool draw colorized blocks
175,0341,099decidim-sliderA Slider component for Decidim's homepage.
175,0341,099rspec-specification-coverageAllow specify how RSpec specification files cover the implementation.
175,0341,099xlsx2mysqlA gem for inserting data to mysql from Excel(xlsx)
175,0341,099google-apis-acmedns_v1This is the simple REST client for ACME DNS API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client...
175,0341,099cbor-dcborcbor-dcbor implements "dCBOR" encoding for CBOR, RFC 8949