Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175041-175060 of all 180,554 gems.
175,0411,122rails-composeAutomatically setup Rails environments using Docker-Compose with Docker or Podman
175,0431,121fiber-collectorSimple constructs to collect results from multiple concurrently scheduled tasks inspire...
175,0431,121mnemorandomUse various corpora to generate random mnemonic names for things.
175,0451,120px_github_changelog_generatorChangelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
175,0451,120actionview_attribute_buildersUse Rails' attribute building capabilities to create custom form input elements
175,0451,120bundle_filterA filter for bundle that removes useless info when run bundle.
175,0451,120monopay-rubyThe "monopay-ruby" gem simplifies Monobank payment integration in Ruby and Rails applic...
175,0491,119pgtoolsThose are tha basic tools required to work on PlatinumGames files and mod them.
175,0491,119typhoonExpose your local development servers with the help of a typhoon (via cloudflared tunnels)
175,0491,119omniauth-dexcom-oauth2Dexcom OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
175,0521,118ticketbaiLibrary to create, sign and send TicketBAI files to the Regional Treasury
175,0521,118rspec-specification-coverageAllow specify how RSpec specification files cover the implementation.
175,0521,118reparseParses a text file and creates a word list with frequency count.
175,0551,117vagrant-gecko-awsEnables Vagrant to manage machines in EC2 and VPC.
175,0551,117fluent-plugin-fortigate-logs-parserParser for Fortigate logs.
175,0551,117postgres_key_valuePerformant and simple key-value storage in Posgresql. With a Ha...
175,0581,116tiny_etaa quick way to get a human-friendly ETA for a task
175,0581,116logstash-filter-another_java_filter_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
175,0581,116hola_humesyA simple hello world gem