Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175061-175080 of all 180,671 gems.
175,0611,142rspec-specification-coverageAllow specify how RSpec specification files cover the implementation.
175,0611,142basis_theoryRuby gem for the Basis Theory API. API docs can be found here: https://docs.basistheory...
175,0611,142best-things-to-do-in-melbourneThis CLI app provides a list of 30 best things to do in Melbourne. The data is scraped ...
175,0651,141activeresource-attributesThis ActiveResource extension which integrates ActiveModel::Attributes for type casting...
175,0651,141iyzipay-subscription-paymentsiyzipay api ruby client for subscriptions feature. You can sign up for an iyzico accoun...
175,0651,141midjourney-rubyThis is a Ruby client for Midjourney that allows you to use its main products via their...
175,0681,140enum_machine-contribextensions and tools for enum_machine
175,0681,140gdocsGenerate or modify docs by API requests
175,0701,139activeadmin_decoratorDecorate Rails models in ActiveAdmin. With `ActiveAdmin::ArbreDecorator` you can keep y...
175,0701,139hot_flashAutomatically inject flash messages into TurboStream responses.
175,0701,139fiber-collectorSimple constructs to collect results from multiple concurrently scheduled tasks inspire...
175,0701,139smerp-commonThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
175,0701,139raikar09Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
175,0701,139varioVario adds custom runtime configuration to your Rails app.
175,0701,139typhoonExpose your local development servers with the help of a typhoon (via cloudflared tunnels)
175,0701,139ssh_key_switcherA simple and efficient for managing and switching between OpenSSH keys seamlessly
175,0801,138bundle_filterA filter for bundle that removes useless info when run bundle.