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175341-175360 of all 182,853 gems.
175,3391,441bubbler_rubyGem to integrate with ruby applications. It will send coverage data from SimpleCov to b...
175,3421,440amex_csv_to_ledgerCommand line utility to convert AMEX CSV to Ledger.
175,3421,440maven-requireA gem to add maven_require, a method to install and load maven coordinates into the cur...
175,3441,439autoscale-agentProvides with the necessary metrics for autoscaling web and worker processes
175,3441,439amazon_static_siteUpload static website to S3
175,3441,439expcalcTo expand ruby math operations this gem call to others such as Numo:narray and others a...
175,3471,438kiwi-ecs== Description ["Kiwi is a versatile entity component system focussing on fast iterati...
175,3471,438anz_bank_clientThis gem can log into ANZ online banking and fetch account and transaction data
175,3471,438toritoriCreate factories with DSL
175,3471,438distorted-floorRuby implementation of core file-format operations used by DistorteD-Jekyll.
175,3471,438ussd_engineEnable USSD processing support in Rails.
175,3471,438lbtLbt is a build tool for LaTeX. It is useful for big documents.
175,3531,437ultra_polygonsClasses representing 2 dimensional polygons. Version 0.0.0 is still in development.
175,3531,437signway_sdkCreate signed URLs for Signway
175,3531,437gigbotGit-inspired remote tech job aggregator for the command line
175,3561,436truedlRuby implementation of TrueDL.
175,3561,436redundancyRedundancy is a Ruby program that loads the .zsh_history, .bash_history, .irb_history f...
175,3561,436ecaseExhaustive case statments that ensure all possible cases are covered.
175,3561,436tiny_dbThe purpose of this gem is provide a very simple solution for storing records locally i...
175,3601,435tjordan_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector