Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175361-175380 of all 180,671 gems.
175,3601,057musicrbA player for music
175,3601,057jekyll_make_archiveJekyll tags pre and noselect, for HTML
 tag, prompts and unselectable text.
175,3601,057capistrano-faster-assets-and-packsSpeeds up asset compilation by skipping the assets:precompile task if none of the asset...
175,3641,056hola_halloSaying hello in different languages (just-for-fun for learning how to write a gem)
175,3641,056s_calcCUI Scientific calculator
175,3641,056mercosur_plate_converterI created this gem to convert Mercosur plates to Brazilian plates and vice versa.
175,3641,056leftpad_chiruThis gem can be used to left pad with required characters
175,3681,055riverqueueRiver is a fast job queue for Go. Use this gem in conjunction with gems riverqueue-acti...
175,3681,055auth3Do not import this in your code, check "auth3_sdk" instead.
175,3701,054koltiraKoltira - A light framework based on operations handlers
175,3701,054lazy_valueLazy load values in Rails views.
175,3721,053hello_cacPrint simple text
175,3721,053ninetyeightCustom Windows-98 themed jekyll theme.
175,3721,053scout_apm_samplerSend a percentage of web requests and background jobs to Scout APM so you can subscribe...
175,3721,053itamae-plugin-recipe-highlightitamae-plugin-recipe-highlight is a Itamae plugin for installing Highlight (http://www....
175,3721,053job_grapherA naive graph generator for ActiveJob's declared and called across projects.
175,3721,053privacygateClient library for PrivacyGate API
175,3781,052rulethu_stock_exchangeGet Stock Exchange Data Needed by Rulethu from the Web
175,3781,052active_record-serializableExtension for ActiveRecord to get serializable and marshalizable models using Rasti::Model
175,3781,052dorian-releaseReleases a gem e.g. `release`