Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175401-175420 of all 180,661 gems.
175,3981,043pretty_floatsa small utility to format floating point numbers for easier reading
175,3981,043my-rubyThis is my first gem!
175,4031,042rails_iowaiconRuby on Rails view helpers for Iowa brand icons
175,4031,042jt-code_oracleThis package illustrates dependency confusion case by raising a critical security error...
175,4031,042myCalSimple Calculator with add feature
175,4061,041riverqueueRiver is a fast job queue for Go. Use this gem in conjunction with gems riverqueue-acti...
175,4061,041rspec-ethRSpec extension that spins up ganache server for tests and adds a few handy methods. Ex...
175,4061,041karaden-prg-rubyRuby library for the Karaden API.
175,4091,040plasmo_xcodeprojXcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...
175,4091,040rb-kgy-fpRuby FP lib for self usage. This lib included simple FP functions like Rmada of JS, and...
175,4091,040sidekiq-toolswiss-army knife for tinkering with sidekiq guts
175,4091,040ambitoA Ruby gem for retrieving real-time USD exchange rates and financial data.
175,4091,040inova_aws_s3This gem is used to upload files to AWS S3.
175,4141,039scarpe-componentsReusable components for Scarpe display libraries
175,4141,039masksmasks is a ruby library and rails engine that adds simple, extensible auth to most appl...
175,4141,039omniauth-tokenToken authentication for OmniAuth
175,4141,039trinketsTruly outrageous bootleg facets in your trinkets box.
175,4141,039permission_settingsAllows to dynamically set, retrieve and check permissions of your resource model
175,4191,038hotwire_crudCrud generator with static routes which lazy loads content using content routes
175,4191,038parity_prop_2A gem to partition an array of integers based on parity