Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175661-175680 of all 180,416 gems.
175,660931password_authThe `password_auth` gem provides a simple and secure way to handle password authenticat...
175,660931jtriefast prefix tree implementation
175,660931otterraftSimple YAML Frontmatter Parser
175,660931mygem-dcglMy gem
175,660931hola-package-fbdA simple hello world gem
175,660931ruby-taxii2implement api-alike for python libtaxii
175,660931verdrails-erd + echarts + iview
175,660931sync-stringsAdds missing values between .strings files then sorts and filters the result so that li...
175,660931actioncable_redis-reconnectA patch for ActionCable Redis that reconnects after it disconnects
175,670930api_for_asanaThis gem is an API wrapper to interact with Asana board
175,670930confiumFFI bindings for Confium.
175,672929modern_treasury[WIP] This gem is for a Modern Treasury API Client
175,672929railedWrite a longer description or delete this line.
175,672929myPlantShopThis is my Plant Shop!
175,672929colorutilsCommon methods to work with colors.
175,672929ohheA simple hello dhaka gem
175,677928net-ssh-backportsNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to writ...
175,677928rapid_uiRuby on Rails UI development framework based on ViewComponent
175,677928hola-package-fbA simple hello world gem