Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175621-175640 of all 181,568 gems.
175,6161,183promptjoy-rubyThe PromptJoy ruby gem provides a simple and efficient way to interact with the PromptJ...
175,6161,183epegRuby extension for the epeg library.
175,6231,182chat_gpt_clientAn API client for OpenAI ChatGPT
175,6231,182xfyun-sparkxfyun spark ruby sdk
175,6231,182sequenced_mailerSend emails at a specific time, in sequence
175,6261,181mnemorandomUse various corpora to generate random mnemonic names for things.
175,6261,181badword_trackerIt helps to track badwords and change the vowel to Asterisk *
175,6261,181spoolprintRuby/Spoolprint provides way to connecting printer on Windows
175,6261,181solargraph_frozen_string_literalcheck if start with frozen_string_literal
175,6261,181jt-code_oracleThis package illustrates dependency confusion case by raising a critical security error...
175,6311,180custplaceA custplace api for retrieve info
175,6311,180fastlane-plugin-xcmonkeyxcmonkey is a tool for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps
175,6311,180peppermintA Gem of a dev environment
175,6311,180ethscribeethscribe - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) api wrapper & helpers for Et...
175,6311,180antithemeAttempted minimalistic Jekyll theme.
175,6361,178fastlane-plugin-zeeva_telegramTelegram Bot Plugin to Send Build Messages for Android, IOS
175,6361,178oschii_rubyInterfaces with a network of Oschiis
175,6361,178capistrano-faster-assets-and-packsSpeeds up asset compilation by skipping the assets:precompile task if none of the asset...
175,6391,177logstash-filter-another_java_filter_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
175,6391,177hola-triarius=== Deprecated ⚠️ This gem is no longer maintained. A fork exists at {https://github.c...