Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176441-176460 of all 183,202 gems.
176,4371,228google-apis-rapidmigrationassessment_v1This is the simple REST client for Rapid Migration Assessment API V1. Simple REST clien...
176,4371,228mqtt_api_clientMQTT API Client
176,4431,227logstash-filter-another_java_filter_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
176,4431,227validatyValidaty has basic validations for Rails application
176,4451,226rabbit-slide-hasumikin-KeebKaigi2023Presentation slide for KeebKaigi 2023
176,4451,226shotgun_rubyA ruby gem adaptation of the shotgun screenshot tool for linux. Creates a .pam screensh...
176,4471,225google-apis-playgrouping_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for Google Play Grouping API V1alpha1. Simple REST clien...
176,4471,225eximius-net-sshNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to writ...
176,4471,225too_heavy_gemThis gem has 17,576 classes and 38,614,472 methods.I made this to check the performance...
176,4471,225datadome_moduleUsed to assess requests with DataDome Protection API.
176,4471,225sample-test-avishekThis gem is sample code.
176,4521, API Interface
176,4521,224appstageList, Upload and Delete live build content on
176,4521,224version_bossParse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'gem-version' CLI command or th...
176,4521,224yaml_toolsTools for YAML files.
176,4521,224kindtap-platform-rubyThis library currently supports generating a signed authorization header which is requi...
176,4521,224jekyll-theme-maximyurevichJekyll theme
176,4521,224acp_palindromeLear Enough Ruby palindrome detector
176,4521,224runger_email_reply_trimmerRungerEmailReplyTrimmer is a library to trim replies from plain text email.
176,4601,223myCalSimple Calculator with add feature