Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176521-176540 of all 180,518 gems.
176,520778progenySpawn child processes without managing IO streams, zombie processes and other details.
176,520778juneso-analytics-rubyThe ruby analytics library
176,520778reviewmeA simple star review generator gem
176,520778edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
176,525777apimaticpackageThis is testing text
176,525777roseflowRoseflow is a library for effortlessly building interactions with AI
176,525777logxLogging library for Ruby applications
176,525777jekyll-ipaIPA plugin to go with the Jekyll PaperWiki theme.
176,525777htmltokitConver HTML to PDF/PNG/JPEG
176,530776sosli-organizerorganizes directory contents.
176,530776ia-redis-rpcRedisRpc is the easiest to use RPC library in the world. (No small claim!). This ve...
176,530776bloopA gem that Denis uses for demonstration purposes
176,530776bundler-checksumTrack checksums locally with Bundler
176,530776roseflow-tiktokenTiktoken tokenizer for Roseflow.
176,530776mattermost-messengerSimpel Mattermost message helper
176,536775bible-lookupReturns bible verses.
176,536775haml2phlexthis is a 'good enough' converter from haml view rendering to phlex view .
176,536775omniauth-feraOmniAuth strategy for Fera apps.
176,536775miles200_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
176,540774solanaMaking the Solana blockchain easier to access with your favorite programming language.