Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176501-176520 of all 180,507 gems.
176,497779fractional_indexingFractional Indexing in Ruby
176,497779nokogiri-html5-inferenceInfer from the HTML5 input whether it's a fragment or a document, and if it's a fragmen...
176,497779app_permission_statisticsapp permission statistics from ipas
176,504778kaomojis_listCollection of Kaomoji (=^・ω・^=)
176,504778decidim-file_authorization_handlerCensus uploads via csv files
176,504778rotessa-rbRuby client library for Rotessa's API
176,504778google-apis-publicca_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Public Certificate Authority API V1beta1. Simple RES...
176,504778feltView Components for building forms in Rails applications
176,509777documentedDocumentation that's completely automated.
176,509777google-apis-readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking_v1This is the simple REST client for Reader Revenue Subscription Linking API V1. Simple R...
176,509777swiss-klarna_proxyProvides a Ruby interface to the current Klarna API, forked and inspired by https://rub...
176,509777routes2specGenerate Request specs and Routing specs of RSpec, from your Rails routes config. It is...
176,509777logxLogging library for Ruby applications
176,509777administrate-field-csvCSV field plugin for Administrate
176,509777juneso-analytics-rubyThe ruby analytics library
176,509777edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
176,517776portrPortr is a Ruby gem manages a pool of ports
176,517776apimaticpackageThis is testing text
176,517776google-cloud-edge_networkNetwork management API for Distributed Cloud Edge.
176,517776mattermost-messengerSimpel Mattermost message helper