Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176561-176580 of all 183,202 gems.
176,5581,192modelveCollection of tasks to help find out debt.
176,5621,191duneA Ruby API client for the Dune Analytics API
176,5631,190bungee_gumThis gem gets the latest source code from the ruby/ruby master branch at GitHub. Then, ...
176,5631,190harshaA simple harsha world gem
176,5661,189active_billingBilling for Rails
176,5661,189bpjs-signatureA simple for genarete signatur with HMAC SHA256 gem
176,5661,189coding-pushCODING-AR-backed repo support for Cocoapods
176,5661,189ccrypto-javaRefers to Ccrypto library for more info
176,5701,188guard-zeitwerkCreate an empty file in a Ruby project and guard-zeitwerk will add the module declarati...
176,5701,188mistralA 1:1 Ruby port of the official Mistral Python client, with feature and API parity.
176,5701,188rb_chessA chess library written in ruby
176,5731,187rubocop-rails-kotaiKotai Ruby styling for Rails
176,5731,187renametvRename tv show files and subtitle files
176,5731,187admiral-tools-figmaThe tool to download figma icons
176,5731,187mock_push_serviceA fake push notification service.
176,5731,187gdocs2jekyllTiny tag generator to embed GDocs in Jekyll post
176,5791,186mercosur_plate_converterI created this gem to convert Mercosur plates to Brazilian plates and vice versa.
176,5791,186athena_apiAthena API