Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176841-176860 of all 180,518 gems.
176,841715atkhayar-dev-spreeA complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-l...
176,841715template_classIn most cases Ruby doesn't need templated classes, nor any other system of generics, be...
176,841715guwor_palindromeRuby palindrome detector
176,844714echo-craftManage Standard Responses.
176,844714shipengine_sdkThe Official Ruby SDK for ShipEngine.
176,844714email_forward_parserParse forwarded emails from body and subject
176,844714random_gemRandomGem is a Ruby gem that picks a random gem from RubyGems and returns its info. Als...
176,844714jekyll-theme-unityMaterial 3 is a design language developed by Google in 2014.
176,844714logstash-mixin-aws-sdkv3This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
176,844714lti_dl_railsImplmentation of the LTI DL standard as a Rails engine.
176,853713activeadmin_dynamic_tableAllow to controll activeadmin table columns from the UI. (Show/hide/resize/reorder tabl...
176,853713bryton-liteBare bones implementation of the Bryton testing protocol
176,853713activerecord-model_inheritanceAn attempt at real inheritance for ActiveRecord models.
176,853713cocoapods-azure-universal-packages2A CocoaPods plugin for downloading Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts feeds.
176,853713inboxableAn opiniated Gem for Rails applications to implement the transactional inbox pattern.
176,853713rails_env_helperSimplify working with environment variables in a Ruby on Rails application.
176,859712simple_wiki_converterWikipedia articles are infamous for being heavily referenced. One article could all of ...
176,859712cmd-optparse.rbOptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis.