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176861-176880 of all 180,530 gems.
176,856714jekyll-theme-unityMaterial 3 is a design language developed by Google in 2014.
176,862713logstash-output-lokisOutput plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server
176,862713inboxableAn opiniated Gem for Rails applications to implement the transactional inbox pattern.
176,862713bryton-liteBare bones implementation of the Bryton testing protocol
176,862713rails_env_helperSimplify working with environment variables in a Ruby on Rails application.
176,862713aperitiiifThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
176,868712simple_wiki_converterWikipedia articles are infamous for being heavily referenced. One article could all of ...
176,868712cmd-optparse.rbOptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis.
176,868712himari-awsAWS related plugins for Himari
176,868712rebornCode made by: Assemble Company.
176,872711rebourneCode made by: Assemble Company.
176,872711metabase_tarotUtility tool for connecting directly to Metabase via its API
176,872711palworld_rconRuby Rcron client for palworld.
176,872711update_values_allThe gem allows to update AR-records in batch
176,876710crawlbaseRuby based client for the Crawlbase API that helps developers crawl or scrape thousands...
176,876710okraPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
176,876710thalamWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
176,879709math_wildA study collection of function to help simple math
176,879709json_or_ruby_to_csvThis gem converts arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController ...