Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176901-176920 of all 180,681 gems.
176,899733template_classIn most cases Ruby doesn't need templated classes, nor any other system of generics, be...
176,899733email_forward_parserParse forwarded emails from body and subject
176,899733calculator-test-3200-sdkAwesome calculator project
176,899733vipassana-logosA ruby module to offer inline SVG images for each language
176,899733uule_converterA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...
176,906732guwor_palindromeRuby palindrome detector
176,906732activerecord-model_inheritanceAn attempt at real inheritance for ActiveRecord models.
176,906732tiktok-oauth-strategyOmniAuth strategy for TikTok.
176,906732ixmlInvisible XML is a language and set of technologies for making the implicit structure o...
176,906732nws_openapi_sdkReads the NWS OpenAPI definition and creates a client to interact with its API
176,906732random_gemRandomGem is a Ruby gem that picks a random gem from RubyGems and returns its info. Als...
176,906732custom_holidayA simple way to define your holiday settings
176,913731kassa24Kassa24 API wrapper (online payments)
176,913731logstash-filter-hash_selectThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
176,913731claude-rubyUnofficial ruby SDK for interacting with the Anthropic API, for generating and streamin...
176,913731jekyll-theme-unityMaterial 3 is a design language developed by Google in 2014.
176,913731atkhayar-dev-spreeA complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-l...
176,913731rw-api-microserviceThis gem allows your Rails-built microservice to easily integrate with the RW API
176,919730capistrano-elb-autoscalingCapistrano plugin for deploying to AWS Auto Scaling Group.
176,919730update_values_allThe gem allows to update AR-records in batch