Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
179241-179260 of all 183,164 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
179,240 | 656 | vident-better_html | Vident support for better_html. If you use better_html, you will need to install this g... |
179,240 | 656 | pretty_stopwatch | A simple Stopwatch with nanosecond precision and readable formatting. |
179,240 | 656 | rupkl | Pkl parser for Ruby |
179,240 | 656 | starlingrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Starling Bank API |
179,240 | 656 | packwerk-slim | Slim parser for packwerk to parse .slim files for dependency & privacy violations |
179,240 | 656 | nitya-test-gem | This is a test gem |
179,240 | 656 | lesli_security | Privileges & Access Management for the Lesli Framework. |
179,248 | 655 | fourkites-sqspoller-v2 | Gem to poll messages from SQS queue and process them |
179,248 | 655 | achilles | A simple js library to make your turbo apps work better |
179,248 | 655 | hola_gmitch96 | This gem provides a friendly greeting. |
179,248 | 655 | rabbit-slide-Piro-presentation-vanilla-js-library-topics | [Nextbeat Tech Bar:第一回ライブラリ開発について考える会](での発表... |
179,248 | 655 | dify_client | Ruby client for Dify |
179,248 | 655 | vish02 | Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one. |
179,254 | 654 | etl-integrations | Etl Integrations is a comprehensive Ruby gem designed to facilitate seamless connectivi... |
179,254 | 654 | gem_say_hello | A gem for say hello. |
179,254 | 654 | TxChaos | Deterministic pseudorandom integer generator, uses the basic 4*x*(1-x) chaos algorithm |
179,254 | 654 | xcpretty-travis-formatter-security-patched | Formatter for xcpretty customized to provide pretty output on TravisCI |
179,258 | 653 | activefire | Ruby ODM framework for Firebase |
179,258 | 653 | forty_two_gem | Gem to check if integer is 42 |
179,260 | 652 | minitest-openapi | API documentation generator based on the OpenAPI spec. |