Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179181-179200 of all 182,301 gems.
179,176559flatfile_apiA thin wrapper around the Flatfile RESTful API
179,176559irb-aiIRB-AI is an experimental project that explores various ways to enhance users' IRB expe...
179,176559rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-dputng-howto-202301Tokyo Debian dput, dput-ng Howto 202301
179,176559careacademy-runbookRunbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...
179,176559pad_characterProvide a method that returns all characters as pad characters.
179,176559rabbit-slide-Piro-presentation-oss-gate-workshop-fjord-bootcamp-introduction[フィヨルドブートキャンプさん](との共催による[OSS Gateオンラインワークショップ - フィヨルドブートキャンプ...
179,187558math_symbolsSupport for mathematical syntactic sugars
179,187558amazon-pay-api-sdk-rubyAmazonPay Ruby SDK
179,187558code_onlineA simple and automated bot over interface of GS1' codeonline website.
179,187558tlopo-loggerLogger configuration library
179,187558toy-rubygems-bundlerStop using bundle exec. Integrate Rubygems and Bundler. Make rubygems generate bundler ...
179,187558rails_engineDescription of RailsEngine.
179,187558lsp-clientA Ruby client for Language Server Protocol (LSP)
179,187558rails_command_paletteA command palette for Rails using Stimulus and Ninja Keys.
179,195557webauthn-railsAuthentication for Rails using WebAuthn
179,195557avm-mays_magical_schoolPut here de description.
179,195557logstash-filter-event_dispatcherThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,198556is_decimala more readable way to check is number is decimal or not
179,198556lesli_guardSecurity Management Module for the Lesli Framework.
179,198556jekyll-theme-hacker-asbHacker is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages