Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179181-179200 of all 183,164 gems.
179,179666rubocop-markdownRuboCop plugin for Ruby code blocks in Markdown.
179,179666wcc-pericopeIt recognizes common abbreviations and misspellings for names of the books of the Bible...
179,179666careacademy-enumerizeEnumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid/MongoMapper support
179,179666notion_scribeThis gem allows users to create and customize Notion pages with a simple Ruby DSL.
179,185665my_example_gemAn example gem set up with CI and CD.
179,185665model_guardSometimes you want to protect your models from being updated or destroyed directly. Thi...
179,185665sonic-pi-cli4A simple command line interface for Sonic Pi
179,185665hyde-decapHyde Decap is a plugin for Jekyll to add Decap CMS.
179,189664activerecord_filter_byActiveRecord extension to filter records by a given set of parameters
179,189664red-candlehuggingface/candle for Ruby
179,189664paperclip-permanent_recordsMake paperclip attachments work with permanent_records
179,189664hansderlyTHis is gem just split an array into two array of even and odd numbers
179,189664salary_tax_calculatorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,189664noomerAn enum implementation in Ruby
179,196663google-cloud-app_hubgoogle-cloud-app_hub is the official client library for the App Hub API.
179,196663jekyll-theme-tufteA modern Jekyll theme based on tufte-css, in the style of Edward Tufte
179,196663studio_game_ajMy first Ruby gem!!