Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179201-179220 of all 182,301 gems.
179,201555simple_firebase_uploaderThis gem is a simple gem to upload images to Firebase.
179,201555gemakvWay to access securely to AKV secrets
179,201555tailwind_themeA small Tailwind CSS theme utility to read and apply themes stored in a YAML file.
179,201555cryptorankCryptoRank Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the CryptoRank API web services.
179,205554ligmaLinear Isomorphic Geospacial Mapping Algorithm
179,205554packwerk_yardParsing YARD plugin for packwerk
179,205554mygem_compact_ms_01A simple hello world gem
179,205554activemeasureActiveMeasure is vendor agnostic metrics library for Ruby and Rails.
179,205554phlex-icons-tablerTabler icons library for Phlex
179,205554google-cloud-gdc_hardware_managementgoogle-cloud-gdc_hardware_management is the official client library for the GDC Hardwar...
179,205554ecommerceshopppingcartgemShopping cart processor
179,205554voicevox.rbUnofficial wrapper for voicevox_core
179,205554not_nillerAdd support for a not_nil type.
179,205554error_tracking_open_apiThis schema describes the API endpoints for the error tracking feature
179,205554check_listA cli checklist
179,205554peachtreeSpec-less, Nokogiri-compatible HTML parser
179,205554md_greeterGem to test publishing.
179,219553fastlane-plugin-package_submitUpload ipa and associated .plist to specified server.
179,219553rabbit-slide-unasuke-ruby30th-lt* *