Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179161-179180 of all 182,301 gems.
179,162561shiroWrapper for the Shiro API
179,162561omniauth-frameioOmniauth strategy for
179,162561bridgetown-ib-rubyPlugin to access the Interactive Brokers TWS-API from Bridgetown
179,162561nanoc-opalProvides an :opal filter for Nanoc
179,162561fastlane-plugin-auth_with_github_appGet a GitHub access token using the GitHub App
179,162561validates_curpValidates CURP and test it with matchers in a simple way.
179,168560sql_toolsCollection of tools for working with SQL ASTs.
179,168560diego_ruby_gemcreating and publishing my first gem.
179,168560lingua-rubyRuby (Rust) gem wrapper around Lingua library.
179,168560pk1A simple hello world gem
179,168560flatitoA kind of grep for YAML and JSON files. It allows you to search for a key and get the v...
179,168560action_manSimple actions for your models
179,168560aws-sdk-augmentedaiOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
179,168560rails_s3_uploaderGem that makes it easy to integrate and upload files to AWS S3 using Active Storage. Pa...
179,176559gai18nUse Generative AI to generate I18n translations.
179,176559termpilotA wrapper around ChatGPT to allow for prompts in the terminal.
179,176559ask_gptA ruby gem to Interact with OpenAI GPT API with context and history
179,176559active_job_cloud_tasksActiveJob Adapter for Google Cloud Tasks
179,176559enum_i18n_helperHelp ActiveRecord::Enum feature to work fine with I18n.