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Most downloads over all time
179341-179360 of all 182,301 gems.
179,341537easy-ankiGenerate your Anki flashcards for language learning
179,341537pooja-testThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,341537artisanal-modelA light attributes wrapper for dry-initializer. Forked from "
179,341537trilogy_w_prepared_statementsA friendly MySQL-compatible library for Ruby, binding to libtrilogy
179,341537segitigaItung Segitiga Sederhana
179,341537my_arrayA simple hello world gem
179,341537vagrant-winrm-file-downloadProvisioner plugin that downloads files from guest to host with Vagrant.
179,341537cakes_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
179,350536sauriopassA minimalist gem for creating passwords in Spanish, inspired by DinoPass.
179,350536poole-for-jekyll-testThe Jekyll Butler. A no frills responsive Jekyll blog theme.
179,350536omnibus-gitlabPlaceholder gem to reserve the name
179,350536undockerizerIdentify docker build configration and restore rails app default configuration
179,350536roadsingh_chouhanroadsingh k gem
179,350536erogamescapeErogameScape scraper
179,350536parity_soxfaceClone of the parity_prop tutorial from GoRails to partition an array of integers
179,350536backup_retention_planGem become a proposit to specific plans cam be retained or deleted based on the defined...
179,350536doorloopA Ruby client for the DoorLoop API, allowing easy access to its resources.
179,350536tremendous_ruby_alexThis is a fork of to add the rese...