Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179381-179400 of all 182,301 gems.
179,374534derivation_endpointRedirect from an url to another using custom strategies
179,374534rabbit-slide-znz-fukuoka03-rubima-reboot[福岡Rubyist会議03](での 「Rubyist Magazine Reboot」の...
179,383533mloFood delivery gem
179,383533fedexwsA library to use FedEx Web Services
179,383533minveeEasy to use RCS. Except not easy or usable yet because it's in the early, early stages ...
179,383533way_of_workingRubyGem for the HDI way of working.
179,383533asciidoctor-requirementsAn asciidoctor extension that transforms a yaml block in a formatted requirement.
179,383533Studio_Game_BestJust play the best game
179,383533apimatic-calculator-test-api-sdkSample Calculator API SDK
179,383533urestREST Server for Universal Robots. See
179,383533validates_identity-mx_rfcValidates Mexico RFC Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
179,383533taoversePrints a random Tao te Ching verse on the command line
179,383533takuya-lvm-snapshotThis package make use of shell command lvcreate / lvremove and mount. Taking file from ...
179,394532fulfil_apiA Ruby HTTP client to interact with the API endpoints of
179,394532rails_commentsRailsComments is a modern comments engine for Ruby on Rails.
179,394532prashant-test["This gem provides a Ruby interface for using Msg91 services.", "
179,394532omniauth-threefold-connectOmniauth strategy for ThreeFold connect auth!
179,394532blackstartA small, subdued library for automated testing.
179,394532funcml-coreA library that implements mutations on data-structures
179,394532oss-ar将国内的云存储服务与 ActiveRecord 集成的解决方案