Total Downloads Ranking

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179421-179440 of all 182,301 gems.
179,412530kawaKarafka Redis Streams based engine work in progress..
179,412530rails_friendsAdd social network friendship features to your Active Record models.
179,424529to_starsAdds .to_stars to numeric to generate a rating representation.
179,424529caidoThe caido-ruby library simplifies using Caido's API in Ruby applications. ...
179,424529contrMinimalistic contracts in plain Ruby.
179,424529fukowlfukowl is a tool to modify files.
179,424529json-ormProvides basic ORM functionalities like CRUD operations, transaction support, and custo...
179,424529jserviceBindings to the jService REST API for Jeopardy questions.
179, task to generate Markdown documentation for
179,424529test_fish0Plugin for read-only content websites with MongoDB storage. Works pe...
179,424529rswag_componentsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,424529promptcraftThe promptcraft CLI let's you replay a conversation between a user and an AI assistant,...
179,424529un_used_methodsThe un_used_methods gem scans your Rails application to find methods defined in models,...
179,424529his_emr_user_managementDescription of UserManagement.
179,436528satusehat_clientSATUSEHAT adalah ekosistem pertukaran data kesehatan (HIE: Health Information Exchange)...
179,436528cute_alert_railsThe cute_alert_rails gives you ability to avoid routine copying javascripts or writing ...
179,436528jewerly_systemА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
179,436528mmcs_urmMade in learning purposes by MMCS students for MMCS students
179,436528ezpayService and Helper for ezPay