Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
179361-179380 of all 183,164 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
179,358 | 635 | easycache | A simple gem for store and manage data in mem |
179,358 | 635 | required_struct | RequiredStruct Creates a Struct that enforces the specified keyword at initialization |
179,363 | 634 | docs-gem01 | A beautiful, docs-gem01 theme for Jekyll. |
179,363 | 634 | whatsapp_cloud_api | 'This gem allow you connect to with Whatsapp Api cloud without third parties. You can ... |
179,363 | 634 | gemtrick | A simple hello world gem |
179,363 | 634 | seline | Ruby wrapper for API |
179,367 | 633 | md2starter | A converter from Markdown to Re:VIEW Starter. It uses redcarpet. |
179,367 | 633 | active_record_has | Provide Active Record model.has for using exists clause on associations |
179,369 | 632 | stac-client | A client for working with STAC API |
179,369 | 632 | pipeline_symbols | Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one. |
179,369 | 632 | action-mapper | A gem that helps map attibutes to actions. |
179,369 | 632 | content_block_tools | A suite of tools for working with GOV.UK Content Blocks |
179,373 | 631 | service_core | A service pattern implementation for Rails applications. |
179,373 | 631 | moostar | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
179,373 | 631 | termpilot | A wrapper around ChatGPT to allow for prompts in the terminal. |
179,373 | 631 | hola_stegs-stripe | A simple hello world gem |
179,373 | 631 | formtastic_grouped_check_boxes | Group your checkboxes like grouped select via “grouped_collection_select” in Rails. Thi... |
179,378 | 630 | phlex-svg | Reserved |
179,378 | 630 | tlopo-logger | Logger configuration library |
179,378 | 630 | collectionspace-refcache | A caching system for CollectionSpace refnames. |