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Most downloads over all time
179361-179380 of all 183,164 gems.
179,358635easycacheA simple gem for store and manage data in mem
179,358635required_structRequiredStruct Creates a Struct that enforces the specified keyword at initialization
179,363634docs-gem01A beautiful, docs-gem01 theme for Jekyll.
179,363634whatsapp_cloud_api'This gem allow you connect to with Whatsapp Api cloud without third parties. You can ...
179,363634gemtrickA simple hello world gem
179,363634selineRuby wrapper for API
179,367633md2starterA converter from Markdown to Re:VIEW Starter. It uses redcarpet.
179,367633active_record_hasProvide Active Record model.has for using exists clause on associations
179,369632stac-clientA client for working with STAC API
179,369632pipeline_symbolsWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
179,369632action-mapperA gem that helps map attibutes to actions.
179,369632content_block_toolsA suite of tools for working with GOV.UK Content Blocks
179,373631service_coreA service pattern implementation for Rails applications.
179,373631moostarThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,373631termpilotA wrapper around ChatGPT to allow for prompts in the terminal.
179,373631hola_stegs-stripeA simple hello world gem
179,373631formtastic_grouped_check_boxesGroup your checkboxes like grouped select via “grouped_collection_select” in Rails. Thi...
179,378630tlopo-loggerLogger configuration library
179,378630collectionspace-refcacheA caching system for CollectionSpace refnames.