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179361-179380 of all 182,301 gems.
179,361535portertech-sensu-loggerThe Sensu logger library
179,361535stanbicRuby SDK for Stanbic Kilele APIs
179,361535openai_readerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,361535tree_methodsGem tree_methods
179,361535dify_clientRuby client for Dify
179,361535polyblogcreate a multilanguage blog with
179,361535paigeLikely vaporware alternative API to PrawnPDF
179,361535country_options_selectCapital, Currency and Dial Code form select helpers using API
179,361535overseasOverseas shipping ruby gem for UPS and DHL apis.
179,361535zfletch-styleStyle guide configurations for Ruby projects, Rails applications, and Gems
179,361535brrrA simple RSS library
179,361535selineRuby wrapper for API
179,361535address_searcheryou can search address by zipcode
179,374534msalUse this library to authenticate with MS Graph API
179,374534starproxima_libraryDescription Starproxima library app
179,374534gemanico1324578156Classes y modulos de APIWRITER hecho en la ejercitacio anterior
179,374534diversipubA publishing platform for HTTP, Gemini, ActivityPub, RSS, Atom, and others.
179,374534json_to_structconverts a JSON String to a nested Struct
179,374534tikiA tool for creating and using OpenAPI specs