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Most downloads over all time
180281-180300 of all 180,671 gems.
180,272203webtranslateit-hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
180,282202res_cliA command-line interface (CLI) to manage ResilientDB and Python SDK instances.
180,282202state_machine_updated_for_ruby_3_2Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
180,282202do_blocksThis gem allows classes to easily define blocks that are executed before a method run, ...
180,282202manjaA manja magic gem
180,282202ta_default_value_forThe default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
180,282202germinatorRails allows incremental database migrations, but only provides a single seed file (non...
180,282202hexlet_codeThis gem takes care of tasks that would normally require writing a lot of boilerplate c...
180,282202loquendo-rubyA simple gem for using as speech synthesis in Ruby
180,282202ahoAho agent is responsible for collecting resource usage data of VM instances on individu...
180,282202gramlA kind of grep for YAML files. It allows you to search for a key and get the value and ...
180,293201tibberA Ruby wrapper for the Tibber APIs (readonly)
180,293201pass_keywordAdd this gem to verbosely mark places as passed.
180,293201phantasmaRuby Phantasma API library
180,293201mygem_paradoxv5-platformA simple example Ruby Gem
180,293201pushy_notifierThis gem provides a simple interface to send push notifications via the Pushy service.
180,293201boosted-railsSet of modules to boost your Ruby on Rails development
180,293201rb-scrptThis is a fork of the original rb-appscript. Ruby AppleScript (rb-scpt) is a high-level...
180,293201cupido-api-corePlaceholder gem for cupido-api-core