Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180281-180300 of all 183,155 gems.
180,280524pesepayA ruby library for Pesepay Payment Gateway API.
180,280524spsdrbpubPublishes a message to the simplepubsub_drb broker.
180,280524shoplexConverts a file exported from shopware 5 invoice data into booking lines for lexware ac...
180,280524orgrepgit clone and git grep on the latest repository
180,280524render_with_areasEasy rendering of partials with multiple content areas
180,280524feedly_ruby_clientfeedly ruby api client
180,288523shnaider_carprojDescription Shnaider carshering app
180,288523auto_rspecThis gem generates rspec tests for your models using shoulda-matchers.
180,288523emoji_logQuickly scan your logs using the power of emojis.
180,288523huginn_alimconfiance_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
180,288523maps_rubocopMAPS rubocop rules
180,288523one-ruby-sdkQuickly and easily get *all* of the LOTR movies into your Ruby project. Amaze your frie...
180,288523endor-pkg-oneA simple hello world gem
180,288523capistrano3-aws-asg-deployGet all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
180,288523new-code-provenanceProvenance sign check.
180,288523subskribe_sandboxRuby Gem to access Subskribe API in Sandbox environment
180,288523starproxima_universityDescription Starproxima university app
180,288523noah-testJust a summary