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180241-180260 of all 182,339 gems.
180,237452kombuKombu provides the ability to render the specified component directly from the controller.
180,237452fork_mobuRails User Agent Dependent View Paths
180,237452rack-webfingerServe Webfinger responses easily from Rack
180,237452audit_log_parser-aeberIt is a library for parsing.
180,237452ruby-stylesGem containing the rubocop.yml config that corresponds to the implementation of the sty...
180,237452rymai-test_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
180,237452edn-abnf-ecedn-abnf implements converters and miscellaneous tools for CBOR EDN's ABNF
180,248451dry_eraserLike Active Record's validation feature, but for destroying models
180,248451my_first_package22A simple Ruby package that prints Hello, World!
180,248451async_mysql2An adapter for mysql2 running on Async
180,248451rot135'Encrypts' named files or STDIN using ROT13.
180,248451meteoalarmAPI wrapper for
180,248451ghost_parserA ruby plugin used to help evaluate the exported Ghost posts
180,248451gitflashThis gem allows you to perform a number of git commands using interactive cli prompts
180,255450header_formatA simple hello world gem
180,255450mono-merchantThe "mono-merchant" gem simplifies Monobank payment integration in Ruby applications. I...
180,255450audio_ratingLibrary for reading embedded star-ratings in audio files. Supports file formats: AIFF,...
180,255450google_maps_pb_decoderThis gem decodes the protobuf parameters used in Google Maps into readable JSON for eas...
180,255450csv_searchA simple CSV search
180,255450cocoapods-aries-binaryA short description of cocoapods-aries-binary.