Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182341-182360 of all 183,127 gems.
182,341255spyri-apiRuby client library for the Spyri API
182,341255select2-bootstrap-railsSelect2, a jQuery-based substitute for select boxes, offers features such as search fun...
182,341255jekyll-convertifyProvides tags and filters to convert sources of one type to another type, e.g. Markdown...
182,341255staticky-filesBetter file management with adapters for testing and production
182,345254openapi_okta_ip_rangesOpenAPI specification and a set of generated API clients for Okta IP Ranges
182,345254synologySynology NAS API client written in Ruby
182,345254aluxAlux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose
182,345254teleflowClient library for Teleflow API.
182,345254kanseishitsuSimplified LaunchAgents management for macOS. This gem packageprovides command-line too...
182,345254deployment_notificationsDeliver Capistrano deployment notifications to Slack
182,351253jekyll-theme-anatoleAnatole is a beautiful minimalist two-column jekyll theme based on farbox-theme-Anatole.
182,351253markdown_stream_formatterMarkdown parsing for the CLI supporting string streams, allowing to format before you k...
182,351253api_wrapperApiWrapper provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with APIs in a configurabl...
182,354252iron_oxideAn experiment that brings some Rust patterns to Ruby.
182,354252mt_racketRuby Gem for reading and writing raw packets
182,354252glossarist-agentGlossarist component to retrieve content from remote sources
182,354252rbfuzzymindrbfuzzymind is a Ruby gem that provides a comprehensive suite for implementing fuzzy lo...
182,354252async-cronA scheduling service using cron-style syntax.
182,354252ruby_binary_searchBinary search list implemented in ruby using red-black self-balancing tree
182,360251rubocop-nuzz-coreNuzz's Ruby Style (Core)