Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182421-182440 of all 183,127 gems.
182,419243mfglr_grade_calculatorThis my first gem
182,419243logifyerLogifyer transforms Rails console logs into well-structured JSON format, enhancing log ...
182,419243serdukSimple Ruby Web Framework designed mainly for learning Web Development for everyone. In...
182,419243dotenvx[] a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv`
182,419243password_utilsinspired by php password_hash, implemented for ruby gems
182,419243tms-cliPreprocessing TMS Report
182,419243google-ads-ad_managerThe Ad Manager API enables an app to integrate with Google Ad Manager. You can read Ad ...
182,419243parity_prop_exampleMuch longer explanation of the example!
182,429242xtbThe XTB API (xAPI) client for Ruby provides a simple and easy to use interface to inter...
182,429242iprog_string_utilsIprogStringUtils is a Ruby gem that provides a set of string manipulation utilities. Th...
182,429242sbf-dm-validationsThis is a DataMapper plugin that provides validations for DataMapper model classes.
182,429242freight_calcWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,434240graphql-models_connectDirectly link GraphQL types to underlying models.
182,434240descryYou don't have to leave the command line to make and navigate notes.
182,434240dotpromptdotprompt for your prompt prompt needs
182,434240decodingDecode dynamic values into known Ruby data structures
182,434240sbf-dm-transactionsMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them
182,434240ransack_buildersDSL for complex ransack filters builders