Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182261-182280 of all 183,127 gems.
182,261268rostelecom_m2mRostelecom M2M
182,261268history_extensionSequel Extension for History DB Migration, to remove index and foreign key constrain
182,261268gehnmaisoda_my_first_gemsummary goes here for my_first_gem
182,261268snomed_modelProvides ORM layer to query SNOMED
182,261268test-input-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
182,266267uinit-memoizableMemoize method
182,266267sbf-dm-aggregatesDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates, functions on collections and datasets.
182,266267teagemsTeagems is a Ruby gem that provides an interface for managing gems.
182,266267domweighertool to find the heavy DOM nodes
182,270266jekyll-asset-path-tag-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
182,270266scad-btwThis gem provides a command line tool to create \*.scad and \*.stl files of Brick Train...
182,270266sevgi-showcaseToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
182,270266sevgi-standardToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
182,270266google-cloud-oracle_database-v1The Oracle Database@Google Cloud API provides a set of APIs to manage Oracle database s...
182,270266CAFE_verillbanFile to Clipboard gem
182,276265monerorequestRuby Implementation of the Monero Payment Request Standard.
182,276265hotwire_reactHotwireReact integrates React into Rails 7 apps and allows you to combine the power of ...
182,276265tally_jobsCollect all params of the same jobs within an interval time then enqueue that job only ...
182,276265space_shoesAn implementation of the Shoes GUI library in embedded HTML, and using HTML and Wasm ge...
182,280264dim-toolkitCreating, maintaining and exporting of requirements.