Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182401-182420 of all 183,164 gems.
182,397250publishing_platform_markdownMarkup language for the Publishing Platform
182,397250faunSelf-hosted directory-based forum and asset catalog for small communities
182,397250cocoapods-s3This Cocoapods plugin allows you to use dependencies from a bucket in AWS S3.
182,404249tabulardA highly-customizable tabular data processor
182,404249merge_attributesMerge hashes as HTML attributes, accounting for the specifics of `class`,`data-controll...
182,404249openfeature-meta_providerThe MetaProvider wraps multiple other providers and uses a given strategy to resolve fl...
182,404249rdeadmanA tool for monitoring the availability of multiple hosts using ping
182,404249no-sommer-style-pleaseA (nearly) no-CSS, fast, minimalist Jekyll theme.
182,404249imc_guilhermeGem para calcular o índice de massa corporal e classificá-lo conforme a Organização Mun...
182,410248normal_attachmentIgnores all styles and compatibility with paperclip
182,410248io-line.rbLine manipulation via io-console
182,410248sbf-dm-typesDataMapper plugin providing extra data types for use in data models
182,410248knot_talka node game engine
182,410248sbf-dm-timestampsDataMapper plugin which adds “magic” to created_at, created_on, et cetera.
182,410248json_p3JSONPath following RFC 9535
182,410248digital-payments-sdkThe APIs detailed within this SDK will enable Shell's Fleet Solutions Customers to digi...
182,410248fluent-plugin-rabbitmq-pbkfluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP)
182,410248rubleRuBLE is a ruby interface to the SimpleBLE library, providing a cross-platform DSL for ...
182,410248gitlab-omnibus-ctlProvides command line control for omnibus pakcages, rarely used as a gem
182,410248sitepress-pagefindA Pagefind integration for Sitepress