Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
128901-128920 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051json_pathRuby conversion of the Javascript JsonPath from http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/
103,2051ruboty-local_yamlStore Ruboty's memory in local yaml file.
103,2051jenkins_cronA DSL for Jenkins cron job
103,2051motion-spritesEasily load sprite sheet images for RubyMotion
103,2051mysql_big_table_migrationA Rails plugin that adds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to allow columns and inde...
103,2051jenkmqStart Jenkins job from IronMQ message - yeah yeah yeah
103,2051dip_validatorSmall library to check if DIP doc has valid front matter
103,2051MicrohomologySimultaneously perform custom microhomoly strategies for genetic engineering and bioinf...
103,2051iswordChecks if a string is a word
103,2051mysqlexportGives you binary mysqlexport and Ruby classes to export mysql tables into csv and json ...
103,2051pompousMmm yes, yes indeed. We are most wonderfully productive, indeed. It seems that fancy te...
103,2051sentry_real_ipMiddleware to tell Sentry the real IP of our HTTP clients.
103,2051rails-cdn-helperIt is a CDN helper for Rails.
103,2051github_api_gemCreated for easily use github api
103,2051ioc_rbInversion of Controll Container
103,2051minitest_shouldShoulda style syntax for minitest test::unit. Contexts are not yet supported, but you c...
103,2051rwdziprwdwrefreshacpirwdziprwdwrefreshacpi is a Linux log reading application using rwdtinker and RubyWebDia...
103,2051im_ron_burgundyIs the object you're working on Ron Burgundy?
103,2051faraday_cageFaraday Cage allows you to use Faraday for making requests to your REST APIs in integra...
103,2051with_resourcesThe library to provide "with" statement to allocate and release resources safely.