Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
128981-129000 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920smart-mobileA gem for consuming Smart Mobile API (currently supports SMS only).
95,5920takuhaiTakuhai downloads files from remote server by ssh/scp command.
95,5920heraHera, an elegant and easy to use static web site architecture.
95,5920herokulogsA tool to get a clear view on log tails of heroku apps
95,5920graphql_queryHelper to convert GraphQL into robust ActiveRecord queries
95,5920release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.
95,5920sensu-plugins-statfulStatful plugins for sensu (https://www.statful.com)
95,5920sf_symbol_converterConvert SVG icon to SFSymbol
95,5920guard-invokerGuard plugin for the invoker process management utility.
95,5920greenenvyGreenenvy is yet another configuration DSL for Ruby applications.
95,5920spawncampSmall library for spawning and managing child processes
95,5920docspecMake your READMEs testable
95,5920buyerquest-opsgenieAllows to interact with OpsGenie api. Alerts and Heartbeat operations
95,5920realityforge-pistonPiston is a utility that eases vendor branch management in subversion.
95,5920grabbioA ruby wrapper for the grabbio platform
95,5920crankinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
95,5920polymerPolymer simplifies the creation of sprite images for web applications, while also gener...
95,5920entity_eventsIn a nut shell, it records whenever one entity interacts with another entity. It also h...
95,5920regioRegio geocoding API lets you search for addresses from complete Estonian address database
95,5920regressorRegressor generates regression specs based on ActiveRecord models. Currently relations,...